Winter Wolfblade

Winter Wolfblade

There is no dark
Without the light
But for the ray of light
May never shine without the moon

A man is defined by his legacy, not his heritage.Sage words to describe the Highlander known as Winter Wolfblade; ijin, Shinobi...son of Doma.Much of his past lies obscured by shadow and what little is known are as pollen in the Yanxian wind; fleeting with the promise of something new but lacking altogether the certainty of its origin.He is not a man haunted by his past nor defined by it. What meagre details exist wax paler than the full moon on a cloudless night. Preferring to wield the spoken word to stave off altercations, Winter is still a man of action, although slow to draw upon his katana unless it is in the defense of Doma and its people.Yet, when driven to battle, he is an elemental torrent of muscle and sinew, a dervish of iron and steel.In a lull mood, he is susceptible to bouts of great melancholy roused only by the presence of dear ones. He is moved by love for his friends. A lover of life and women, Winter lives each day as if it were his last.And for a shinobi, each day may indeed be his last. And may it be so, that this man with no heritage shall leave behind a lasting legacy.

Out of

Winter Wolfblade / Time: Singapore time / Crystal
Twitter: @WinterWolfblade
Discord: Isildel Hawksword#8048
If you've come here seeking insight into Winter Wolfblade, I thank you. Roleplaying this character is an evolving thing, especially for me being new to Final Fantasy 14. He is like me in some ways and unlike me in many others. Thus, should you encounter him in the wilds of Eorzea and engage in roleplay, do know that how Winter talks and acts is not representative of anything I would say or believe in.If you want to roleplay with me, here are a few things to take note:Online Status
If you see me online, send a tell. I will reply if I'm not afk.
RP Status
If my status is set to RP, then approach me in-character. If it's not, then approach the player out of character. This helps to distinguish the sessions especially now as I'm concentrating on levelling.
My playtime is sporadic on account of my timezone and actual time to play. Therefore, I also RP over on Discord. If you are okay with that, let me know!
Mature, dark themes are good for me. However, that does not include abuse of any kind. Minors are out of the question, as are Lalas.


To know him
You must see
Beyond the man

Blooded at birth
His legitimate parents fled Ala Mhigo to Doma in the hopes of escaping the Garlean Empire. Alas, fate was unkind to them. Soldiers found them in a village close to where Namai was. His mother barely had time to conceal him behind bushes before they were cut down.
A son of fate
He was found by a couple, two women named Shiru-Mai and Kure. Lovers they were, but for the conservativeness of the Doman people then, they were tolerated but kept at arms length and denied certain rights such as adoption. Unable to sanctify their love in marriage or raise a child, they were surprised and joyous at the discovery of the baby. No one wanted to raise an ijin child and this couple yearned for one of their own. Fate it seemed, intervened.
Names with power
The name Winter was given by his adopted parents on account of his snow-white hair, hair he would dye black when older in a pointless attempt to fit more into Doman society. Yet, his larger physique and height including his dark-brown complexion would forever mark him as an outsider.
__Driven by sheer will__
Winter Wolfblade had nothing given to him growing up save the love of his mothers. Everything he did, he did to honor them. So, when he was picked out of all children in his village to train as a ninja under King Kaien, he accepted with pride. His mothers equally saw their son off with bittersweet tears.
True Purpose
His selection was born of one thing; his appearance allowed him to blend far more easily in other Eorzean states occupied by the Garlean Empire than of a typical Doman. His prowess with blades were a close second. He knew this to be his purpose and finally a chance to solidify himself as a Doman. Winter embraced this challenge as a gift.


If you were to RP with him, here are a few things to keep in mind:Accent
A Doman through and through, Winter speaks with a Doman accent. In school, while training in the arts of subterfuge of the shinobi, he learned various Eorzean accents to better blend in during missions. However, when not on a mission, Winter sounds like a Doman. A close approximation would be Lord Hien, though Winter's voice is deeper and more guttural.
Free spirit
Not one to settle down, he gives little thought to marriage. His mothers being unmarried, despite being a matter of circumstance has something to do with his casual approach to the subject. His duties play a bigger role in keeping such things far from mind. He however does enjoy the occasional dalliance and has been involved in long-term relationships in the past. Alas, it is inevitable that his duty and lifestyle would put paid to such things before long. Thus he decided, it is far better to love fast then not love at all.
Not one to engage in idle conversations, Winter may appear intimidating on account of his size and typically brooding expression. However, he is good-natured with a penchant for humour. Those who know him will know him to be charming and witty.